This past Monday I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed and was pleasantly surprised when I regained mental stability that the redesign was underway.
Now that it is all done, there are still a few things that I'll need to get used to, but overall I like the new look of Newgrounds...
Tomorrow is Kitty Krew Day and all my non-existent fans should expect a neat little tribute.
I have a bunch of pieces to finish - like my collab with these two:
I'm also writing out a stable plot for my latest toon venture:
I suppose that's all for now...
damn why is everyone suddenly having their teef ripped out.. poxpower had the same shit done at about the same time as you.. do all good artists get it done this time of year? I must know.
Nogfish (Updated )
Haha well my dentist said that it would be a good idea to have the teeth pulled before college... and so my guess is that a bunch of people are getting them pulled before they venture off to school this august...
I'm honored that I make it into the "good artist" category.
When do you think the Sketchbook Tour 2007 will be released?